

Sewali Patowari

Assistant Librarian          

The vision of Assam Skill University (ASU) is to establishing a dedicated resource centre within its library to support the academic community by fulfilling their information needs for education and research. Committed to providing skill-based education, ASU aims to develop its library facilities and services in alignment with its educational framework.

The Library began its services from July 2024 and currently operates from its City Campus in Guwahati. The library holds a collection of 600+ books to support faculty, staff and students enrolled in various courses. Additionally, it has initiated subscriptions to local and national newspapers.

The library plans to build a rich collection of resources and offer comprehensive information services focused on skill-based learning. It will provide online access to electronic journals, e-books, an ETD repository, tutorials, and audio/video lectures. Additionally, the library will have automated services, including a WEB OPAC system, self-service drop boxes, and KIOSK units at the circulation desk and plagirism software for Reseach work.

Subscriptions will include national and international journals, newspapers, and magazines, available in CD, DVD, and online formats.